Here’s what women should eat to maintain a healthy brain

Adopting a brain-healthy diet is a powerful tool in maximizing cognitive health and helping prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, says neuroscientist and nutritionist Lisa Mosconi. What’s more, it may even ward off common ailments that affect many women, from slow metabolism to insomnia and depression. Here are 8 steps to take.

Based on results from rigorous research in women, these 8 steps are designed to maximize the intake of nutrients to keep the female brain young and energized, while also supporting the microbiome, protecting the heart, and reducing menopause symptoms.

Although it’s best to optimize your diet for brain health well before you experience any cognitive decline, making these changes whenever you can will put you at an advantage. Regardless of your age, genetics or medical predispositions, your quality of life can be enhanced by these practices.

Step 1: Manage your carbs

Not all carbs are created equal. These are my three golden rules:

1. Vegetables and fruits are “carbs”, and vegetables should make up half of your plate at meals.

2. Whole grains are in; refined grains (in white flour, white pasta and white bread) are out.

3. Legumes and starches like sweet potatoes are also excellent sources of good carbs.

When most people think about “carbs”, they think of bread and potatoes. But fruit and vegetables are high in healthy carbs, as well as vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that reduce inflammation and promote brain resilience.

Look for these veggies: dark leafy greens (spinach, Swiss chard, kale) and cruciferous veg (broccoli, cauliflower). Studies show that people who consume 1-2 servings of leafy greens each day experience fewer memory problems and cognitive decline than people who rarely eat them1. Low to medium glycemic vegetables such as onions, beets, pumpkin and carrots are also good.

Some people avoid fruits due to sugar, but many fruits are supportive of memory and mental acuity thanks to high vitamin and antioxidant content. If you are concerned about sugar, choose low glycemic fruits like berries, apples, lemons, oranges, grapefruit and even watermelon.
