What Is Gender Fluid?

 A person who is gender fluid is flexible in regard to the sex with which they identify. They believe that gender is non-binary, meaning that not all humans fit squarely into either the male or female category. Gender, then, is different from biological sex, which refers to the genitalia with which you are born.

"Being gender fluid means that you don’t have a set gender or set place on the gender spectrum," says Margaret Seide, MD, a Board-certified psychiatrist.

She adds, “The term is an acknowledgment that there is a spectrum and that gender is not binary. How you experience your gender can change over time or depending on the situation.”

The History of Gender Fluidity

Gender fluidity is a fairly new term and, to that extent, concept. That doesn’t mean that gender fluid people didn’t exist until recently; in fact, there are many examples of people throughout history who fell outside of binary sexual identification. The difference is that the topic simply was not widely discussed. Even today, the term gender fluid is fairly uncommon in certain communities.

“There are socio-cultural norms, some of which have their basis in religion. Also, almost every society we know of has some sort of societally imposed gender-normative expectations, whether that is dress, relationship roles, or general behavior,” says Dr. Seide.

“As you experience the world, you are exposed to these social constructs that define masculinity and femininity and that shapes our expectations of our own behavior.” 

All that said, since about the mid-2000s, conversations about sexuality and gender identity have started to trickle into mainstream. Though gender is still quite rigid in our culture, we are now seeing increased sensitivity around the topic.

Currently, we do not have a huge amount of data regarding how innate or fixed gender fluidity is because it is still such a relatively new topic and concept. However, you cannot argue with how a person feels. If someone does not personally identify with either the male or female gender, and/or if they do not wish to put themselves into a certain box according to societal expectations, that’s all there is to it. 

The bottom line is that whether or not someone personally accepts the concept of gender fluidity, it’s in best practice to respect anyone’s gender identity

Source: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-gender-fluid-5075600