Better Work Jordan Gender Strategy: Progress Report and Update
The Better Work programme, national stakeholders, and international actors have long recognized the importance of gendered power dynamics in the apparel industry, where women in low-wage jobs dominate the workforce with men in supervisory and management positions. These gender inequities impede access to decent working conditions for women and men in the sector. Better Work Jordan formulated its gender strategy in 2018 through consultation with national stakeholders to reflect four key goals for the garment industry and the steps necessary to achieve them. Through programme activities and collaboration with national stakeholders, Better Work Jordan aims to address discrimination in the workplace, improve health and wellbeing, increase the voice and representation of women, and increase leadership and skill development opportunities for women. This document reflects on the progress made in achieving the gender strategy in the last year and a half and lays out what more needs to be done by both BWJ and key stakeholders to make the vision a reality.
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