‘It’s not about you’: how to be a male ally

As women take to the streets and make their claims of abuse and harassment public, this could be a watershed moment for Australian society and gender equality.

But it is not just women who need to use this moment. We need men on board as well.

White men in particular, have been the focus of these calls because they occupy significant positions of power. Other people (especially other men) are more inclined to pay closer attention to demands for gender equality when they are delivered by men.

Many men may be willing to help or change for the better, but are unsure of where to start.

What is an ally?

The term “ally” is increasingly used in relation to social and political movements. What does it mean?

Allies are people who work for social justice from positions of dominance. For example, white men working for gender equity.

Effective allies work in solidarity with people from marginalised groups, such as women, LGBTIQ+ people, First Nations people and people with disabilities.

Types of allies

Being an ally takes different forms, and some are more effective than others.

  • Allies for self-interest. This type focuses on the injustice experienced by people they know, such as men who attribute their interest in gender equality to their daughters or wives, as noted by Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Their advocacy is personal rather than systemic.

  • Allies for altruism. This form of ally is aware of injustices experienced by some groups but not necessarily their own role in perpetuating inequality. They see themselves as heroes who want to save others and become defensive if their own behaviours are called out. For example, a white woman working to end racism may understand racism intellectually, but become defensive when a person of colour points out an inappropriate term she used in a meeting.

  • Allies for social justice. This type of ally moves beyond individual action to direct attention to oppressive social systems (like sexism). They work together with people in marginalised groups and don’t need to be in the spotlight. They consistently learn how to do better. For example, a university lecturer actively seeks feedback from his students about his socialisation as a heterosexual white man. He sees this feedback as positive, as it challenges his worldview, makes him less likely to perpetuate racism and sexism in the classroom, and holds him accountable to students from marginalised groups.

Many people who aspire to be allies find it hard to move beyond working on an individual level, as in the first two types, because it is easier and brings more immediate rewards than structural change. It also less risky as it does not disrupt the ally’s position of dominance.

If we are genuinely going to seize this moment to change gender relations for the better, we need more men to become the third type — allies for social justice.

What do men say about being an ally?

We have recently conducted a study on engaging men as gender equity allies in universities. The men in our study wanted to become allies because they noticed gender inequity in their own environment and saw it as the “right thing to do”.

Source: https://theconversation.com/its-not-about-you-how-to-be-a-male-ally-158134