Building Prosperous, Happy, Democratic, Civilized Vietnamese Families


Professor Le Thi

Translated into English by: Doan Thi Ngoc

June 28 is considered Vietnamese Family Day. Prime Minister-Nguyen Tan Dung agreed to honor the Family Day in Vietnam in 2013 and directed that various activities be held to build Vietnamese Families in a Prosperous, Happy, Democratic, and Civilized Manner.

As Uncle Ho pointed out, "It is proper to be concerned about family since families are cells of society. If  society is good then families are good. Good families create a good society".

What is the life of Vietnamese families like today?

I. Life of the Vietnamese Family Today

Family is considered as an institution. The Vietnamese family institution has gone through different historical periods of time and stages, along with changes in politics and the economy of the country which is being more progressive. In particular, our people gained independence, freedom and happiness after many years of war and they have built up a country which is now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The Birth of Marriage and Family law was enacted and is built upon the principles of a monogamous marriage, equal rights between couples regarding obligations, freedom, democracy, and equality. These are solid basic values for building the Vietnamese family. However, the construction of the Vietnamese family has been affected due to dramatic changes caused by economic upheaval in recent years.

General current standard of living: present living conditions of families in Vietnam

The Vietnamese family standard of living is evaluated based on an average level in comparison with the ASEAN countries in Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, living conditions for the families are particularly difficult in the rural, mountainous and ethnic minority areas and they are at a disadvantage regarding material conditions and cultural and spiritual activities.

Currently, many people from rural areas move to cities to search for jobs and other employment opportunities because the rural areas do not have much work and consequently there is not enough to live on. There is a high rate of unemployment and in addtion a large number of college graduates are unable to find proper jobs. They cannot find jobs in their fields or in allied fields. Many have to work in fields that they were not previously trained for in order to earn a living to support themselves and their families. Popularly, they work in services for businesses and shops of all kinds. As a result, to ensure basic needs and a prosperous life for families in Vietnam it is still an important matter that requires great effort and striving in 2013 and in the years to come.

Negative phenomena threatening the peace and happiness of family life

The decline in morality and the personality of some members in the families has raised social concerns. For example, more negative news has been emerging in the newspapers: relatives are killing each other over family assets, inheritance, adultery, or other issues like substance abuse. Some people have said that when personal interests of some individuals are not satisfied, their selfishness rises and which drives them to act that way. For any reasons, these sudden and extraordinary phenomena in the press make the general public extremely worried, saddened, and they wonder why some people are so cruel and inhumane to their loved ones. Meanwhile, these events are painful and humiliating which has resulted in alerting and alarming the general public. If these events continue to happen, the good Vietnamese family values of of the 21st century may become faded and forgetten. What are the causes for these problems?

The first cause is the gap in the living standards between the Vietnamese families. The motto of the entire society is to uphold justice, democracy, civilization and that all people are created equal regarding being beneficiaries of social welfare and other benefits. But in reality, the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. In a market economy, there are people who spend money as if they are able to produce money on their own, while others work hard but earn little. Children in the rich and elite groups enjoy a life of material things and indulgence. They think they are kings and queens, so they do whatever they think they want without fundamental rules and values. In contrast, children in low socioeconomic levels have limited resources to pay for their tuition fees and their accommodations. Sometimes some students have to quit their studies and join the labor force to earn a living so they can support themselves and raise their families. The gap in the standard of living of the family is the primary cause for creating problems in society.

The second reason is the disregard for ethical training, moral life, and discipline in the family and at school. Previously, teaching ethics, mannerism, and life skills were considered the main task and responsibility of the family with the slogan: "To study manners first and then to learn to read and write".

Nowadays, it seems that the parents entrust all of their responsibilities to the teachers at school. Parents only care to enrich their assets, pay school fees, and provide sufficient materials for their children and then think they have achieved their duties and have done their best after having paid their tuition fees. However, the schools have to manage students for only 8 hours a day and students are assessed only based on their final test scores on all subjects. The subject of ethics and citizen responsibility in education is often made light of, so students show a loss of interest in taking such courses.

Especially in teaching life skills, duties, discipline, proper behavior, and values is overlooked both by the school and the family. Young children are now developing freely and grow up without essential guidance from their parents and schools. Children can only shape their lives if they are guided and taught fundamental proper behavior, basic rules, and values, how to live with dignity and respect, how to lead a happy life, and how they can contribute to society and human development.

II. What should the government, community, and family do to achieve the goals of building prosperous, happy, democratic, civilized Vietnamese families? Here are some suggestions.

·        Create essential conditions to ensure that families have enough income to meet basic needs and educate their children in becoming good human beings. They have to have opportunities to obtain education and vocational training. After that, they have to find jobs in the fields or related fields in private or state sectors. If they live in rural areas, they have to have land for agricultural production.

·        Provide families with parenting skills to bring up their children to becom good and useful citizens.  This brings benefits to couples, families, and the future of their children.

·        Provide knowledge on family organization in a respectable and scientific manner. If parents know how to organize their family, such as the division of labor in the house between husband and wife, time management, budget management, family activities, work issues outside the home, then their family relationships will be healthy and their children will be disciplined; they will respect their parents and grandparents, appreciate their identity, worship their ancestors, and get long with people in the neighborhoods and community.

·        Implement principles of equality in the family, from the division of labor, finance issues, care giving for aging parents of both paternal and maternal sides, to work outside the home. Spouses should agree to support each other and be fair in the assessment of each individual’s efforts. Families need to treat boys and girls equally, redress the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth due to the preference for sons which leads to abortion if the fetus is female.

·        Mobilize couples and families to improve their residence, villages, communities, and society at large. Redress ideas of personal selfishness, self-interest, group interest, family interest. Advocate people in the family and intently abide by the guidelines and policies of the Party and the State and show their social responsibility in order to build-up their their community for a stronger and better society.

·        Become actively involved in finding solutions to reduce negative phenomena that are undermining the peace and happiness of family;in this regard, the roles of neighbors are critical. They live next to each other, so they need to care for each other and intervene on a timely basis when neighbors have conflict, along with the support of local authorities that will help bring peace and harmony to families in the community.

·        The Vietnam government should promote the implementation of policies of support for the family. They include:

·        Policies to create favorable conditions for families to obtain employment in the public and private enterprises, or non-government organizations, especially pay attention to creating jobs for new graduates and female workers,

·        Implement a policy of equality between male and female workers regarding their retirement age. It is essential to increase the retirement age of women workers from the current 55 years to 60 years of age. If both male and female workers are in good health they should be able to work up to the age of 60. In addition, there should be flexibility in letting workers make a choice to retire earlier or later,

·        Currently the aging population in our country is increasing. This may lead to a deficit pension fund. Therefore, the State should reconsider increasing the retirement age of workers for both men and women to 65 as some Western countries do.

·        The central government and local authority levels need to give timely help to families struggling in business.

·        The revised land law for farmers is important. The State needs to ensure the right for farmers to use their land for 50 years. The compensation of land recovered must be satisfactorily carried out when the State or businesses need to use their land for urban development or building factories. Farmers have to pay taxes in accordance with their annual income and there is a need to have them reduced when they experience disasters and failure crops.

·        The State needs to make prioritizing and supporting policies for families who have all female children according to the population policy, to redress the sex imbalance. The sex ratio at birth in Vietnam families today is 113 boys/ 100 girls. One of the causes is that parents know their children’s gender through ultrasound. Due to the preference for sons, abortion is performed if they find out it is a girl and with the hope that future pregnancies will bear a son. It is estimated that by 2030, Vietnam may be short of 4 million brides due to this sex imbalance Thus, the State needs to have a prioritized policy to aid families that have all girls.

·        The Government at all levels should actively resist domestic violence that has been taking place in some families. Often-times the husband batters his wife, some parents batter their children. We especially must eliminate and prevent all forms of violence against women and girls because of the patriarchal mentality that has existed for years  in our society today.

·        The fundamental problem is that the State, the general public, the agencies and organizations should raise awareness of the position and role of the family. That is the foundation of our society.

Therefore, family life regardless of whether it is bad or good is not the only issue for society. If families are happy prosperous, democratic, and equal, Vietnam’s society can develop in a prosperous, civilized and solid manner and keep their progress in step with other countries in the 21st century.

Commune authorities when issuing certificates of marriage or registration for couples, should be reminded that it is necessary to urge the families to build happy prosperous and civilized families. Not only is this the couple's own issue but the implications of these reminders are related to the future development of the country and that couples and families must be aware of their own responsibilities.

The educational content in schools at all levels needs to emphasize the importance of the position and role of the family. Family is the foundation of a strong country. All family members from children to the elderly, boys and girls have the responsibility to fulfill their obligations in accordance with laws and rights of the country. Thus, simultaneously with the construction of well-being for themselves, they have to fulfill their duties as Vietnam citizens to benefit the entire country.

In summary, on the 2013 Vietnam family day, we should have some initial thoughts on how to build better families in Vietnam and with the hope that readers will exchange their ideas. This is very necessary and urgent for our people and requires that each of us will contribute and remove obstacles in order to progress to a better future.

In Vietnam, the family has played a significant position in society over the years. One of the three chains to deeply understand the country, the people, the history of Vietnam is family, village, and country that intertwined together to form the process of human development, ethnicity, and Vietnam.

With a current population of nearly 90 million people in Vietnam, it is critically vital to build the family to be prosperous, happy, democratic, and to be civilized Vietnamese Families in order that the country may walk abreast with all other countries around the world.